Ultra Runner

Annette Bednosky's blog

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend: Moving with Diane on the MST!

Somewhere around mile 45 of a 65ish mile day! Let's eat!
A dark reflective start leading to a great day for Diane! (Me on the right am wearing my new cool MH skort...wish you could see it!)

Grinnin' in the rain: early on day 4: on route to Mitchell...
Diane and I at Sleepy Gap on her day 3 of the ADVENTURE
Our local celebration of fitness!
Eventual allover winner, Dan McAuley warming up pre-5km
Enjoying post-race yummies...
Me and women's champion...( her name is on the tip of my tongue, yet I can't remember-yikes...oldness setting in for me?
D and A toasting the chill of some awesomeness from an on-route Dairy Queen. Yum!
After 45 degrees and rain for many days in the mountains, no wonder DQ was awesome
Diane's 1st MST side walk...easier on blistered feet than muddy boulders!
Abram, me, Di, Kate and Todd on Sunday morning